Be someone to someone.
Everybody has a someone. A teacher, a coach, a mentor, a friend. Someone who stood at a crucial crossroads and pointed the way.
Could you be that someone?
Could you spare a few hours to make a difference in the life of a child?
Career Opportunities
This organization depends on quality employees that embrace our mission and contribute to a positive work atmosphere among youth, employees and volunteers. We invite you to become part of our professional team! Please visit the office Monday – Friday between 8am-5pm to inquire about opportunities. Thank you for your interest!
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the Club, please print out and complete the following forms. Blank forms are also available at our office. Completed forms can be dropped off to our Club office Monday-Friday between 8am-5pm or faxed to BGCUV at 541-440-9661.